
Showing posts from October, 2022

Making a Photogram

 Photogram paper is sensitive to light. This means that when you place things onto the paper, with a light over the paper, they can create images using the shapes and objects that you have placed on the paper to create an interesting and surreal image. These images are created by placing photos in revealing chemicals and bond chemicals to form the photos. This means that you can create cool patterns by using semi translucent and opaque materials to add layering. Chemicals -  Development chemicals consist of hydroquinone These are some of Man Ray's Photograms.


This piece is inspired by   And uses the black and white colours with a warm glow from the doorway to create an expressionistic feel. This example is also based widely from many of the expressionist photography examples Expressionism is the art form which distorts reality, making a relatively normal image appear odd to a normal eye. This art from has been used for hundreds of years and is used to entail many different meanings. The art from is mostly used to show emotion, as it is a lot more messy and clumsy than most normal art forms. The expressionism art form is inspired by the feelings of emotion that follow them. This means artists will be more rough with their art styles and the idea of perfection is completely lost. This is when everything that comes to mine is created by freehand.