Assignment 2 - Effect of Aperture on Objects and Composition


Aperture is the amount of light that is let into the camera lens. The large the f/ value is, the less light is let in. This means that f/2 lets more light in than f/32. This means that when you focus on closer objects, a larger f/ value means that you will focus on the foreground and the background, and the smaller the value, the background will be extremely blurred.

This photo is taken with an f/18 aperture. Which is a mid point aperture. This means that the foreground here is slightly blurred, but still has distinguishable lines.

This photo was taken with an f/32 aperture. This means that the camera is taking in minimal light, meaning that it is focusing on everything in the image, making the foreground fully distinguishable.
This photo was taken at the aperture of f/2. This means that the photo is taking all the light in that is possible, and using it to focus on the two minivans, and completely obscuring the foreground with no focus at all, or minimal. This means that the lines now cannot be seen at all, and it almost fully blends into the background.

Print photos off and put them in sketchbook.


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